Good Things Come From Bad Things
Tuesday of the Sixth Week of Easter

My dear encountered couples:
Paul and Silas were in prison. Their feet were chained to a stake. There was an earthquake. To make a long story short the jailer and his entire family were converted. Because of the grief St. Paul and his friend Silas were put through, and because of the earthquake a good thing happened that may not ever have happened otherwise. Good things come from bad things. We all have had experiences of that.
In our country we have had earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, fires, bombs, and what-all. They have brought about death and destruction. Why must these things happen? The answers may not be for us to know now. In eternity we shall. All I can say now is that nothing bad happens that is not able to be turned into good by God. What may be terrible today might make tomorrow wonderful. Keeping that thought in mind won’t make our tragedies enjoyable, but it can help to get us through them. To believe the sun will rise tomorrow makes the rain more bearable today.
St. Paul and Silas had been stripped and beaten. They were thrown into prison and their feet chained to a stake. About midnight there was a severe earthquake. Immediately all the doors flew open. The jailer, thinking the prisoners had escaped drew his sword to kill himself. But Paul shouted, “Do not harm yourself! We are still here.” The jailer was overcome with joy, led them out, and took them to his home where he bathed their wounds. He and his whole household were baptized.
God not only can but does make good come from bad. Try to trust him and look forward to wonderful things for you and for those you love. Let us do our part to make the good things happen