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Monday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time

My dear encountered couples:

Once Jesus had acquired the reputation of a faith healer, he was asked to heal people wherever he went. He was even asked to bring people, who had died, back to life.

We are very concerned about our health, we want to be in perfect shape, and most of us want to live for many more years than those usually allotted to creatures of our species. And so, we are concerned with what we eat, the importance of exercise, and that we get enough sleep. It is very fitting that we do so. Our bodies are important to us. After all, where would we be without them? You wouldn’t be reading this reflection right now, that’s for sure.

But you and I are interested in more than just the condition of our bodies. We are very interested in our spiritual condition, the health of our souls. And that is what Jesus was primarily interested in too. He cured people and he did raise some of the dead; he was very concerned about the condition of people’s physical health.

But when he got their attention by his miracles that is when he talked to them, when he preached to them. He wanted them to think more about the really important things of life - life here and life in eternity. He wanted them to realize much more than they already did that this isn’t the last stop on their itinerary. Heaven and hell, God and the devil awaited them at the end of the line.

Let us continue to be concerned about our health, both physical and spiritual, and let us try to do what the doctor recommends -our medical doctors and our Doctor in heaven. Far too often many people tend to ignore the advice of both. May you have a healthy summer and an even healthier eternity.

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