Wednesday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time

My dear encountered couples:
Today Jesus is stern with his disciples. He tells them that he has not come to abolish the law or the prophets. Rather, he has come to fulfill their prophecy. He emphatically tells his disciples that until the earth and heaven pass away, not even a part of a letter of law will pass from the law until “all things have taken place.”
Jesus also warns his disciples that anyone who breaks the law or entices another to break the law will be called “least” in the kingdom of heaven. He then tells his disciples that everyone who obeys and teaches the commandments will be called the “greatest” in the kingdom of heaven.
Which category do we fall into? Are we the breaker of the law, one who entices another to break God’s law? Or do we teach the commandments of God by our word, our love, our actions and our attitude? It can be fairly easy to keep “the letter of the law.” However, Jesus desires more from us! Jesus calls us to live the core and foundation of the law and his teaching every day of our lives. Jesus also hopes that we will be “lovers” of everyone, even the people whom we don’t like and the individuals who may have wounded us!
God, Jesus and the Spirit are pure Love. Love is the law and the gift that we are called to live and to share. It may sound easy but we know that it is not as easy to do. Love is difficult and it may be very painful at times. Yet love is the greatest gift to receive and a tremendous gift to give!
Yes, we need law to keep our world somewhat in order. However, we cannot live a full and satisfying life without love! Love is what gives life meaning. If we do not have love and if we do not love others, we are horribly impoverished. Today share the gift of love to every person you encounter. It may be a smile, a kind word, a loving look or a gentle touch. Truly there is no greater gift than the gift of love modeled by Jesus and all who we witness each day working in healthcare and essential services during the pandemic. May our prayer and our lives be inspired by them.