No Compromise Without Justice
Wednesday of Holy Week

My dear encountered couples:
Judas Iscariot had been with Jesus throughout his public ministry. He had personally seen and heard many things that had changed and shaped the lives of many people. Yet, instead of allowing the truth to set him free, Judas held on to his doubts, greed and other forms of human weaknesses that overtook his judgment and betrayed his friend and master, Jesus.
This betrayal eventually led to the torture and passion of Jesus that was depicted vividly in today's first reading under the prophetic description of the “Suffering Servant.”
Jesus knew what was to come; yet in his prayer, he allowed the Holy Spirit to guide him into fulfilling the will of his Father, even to the point of death.
This is a stark contrast to the reactions of his disciples who had earlier made all sorts of bold promises to follow Jesus wherever he goes, and when difficulties arose, they all went into hiding. While one disciple betrays Jesus, another denies him in front of others. Understandably, these are normal human reactions under danger and pressure; yet the fact still remains that there is no compromise when justice demands it and it can only be done with divine help.
As we enter into the Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil) this Holy Week, let us reevaluate ourselves. Have we kept faith? Up to what degree? Have we been effective witnesses to the truth of the Gospel? Or are we just paying lip service?
If the price were right, would we also betray Jesus and deny him? Let remember him today and ask for his mercy, because he had first shown us his Love.