What More Can We Ask
Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Easter
My dear encountered couples:
The persecution of the first Jewish Christians in Jerusalem sent them scurrying to safety in other cities and countries. Wherever it was they went they spoke about Jesus to both the Jews and non-Jews.
And we are told, “a great number of them believed and were converted to the Lord.” A tragedy was turned into a blessing. We never know what good can come out of the unpleasant things in our lives.
We live in what is called a “mobile” society - a society whose people move around a lot. Sometimes we want to move to another home, other times we are forced to leave friends and relatives and move to another city or state in order to find work. This is especially hard on children, who usually prefer to stay near their friends. Maybe the thought that God will bring good out of the move not only for us but for others could make the move less tearful.
There are many things that force separation from what we know and love. Disasters such as floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, and tornadoes unexpectedly destroy our possessions and uproot our lives. Fires, burglaries, accidents, and of course, death of friends and loved ones change our lives drastically. Before these things happen to us, or if they already have, let us try to become convinced that God works overtime seeing to it that the best of results will come from whatever has happened. That we and others will benefit from all the pain and tears.
The first Christians unexpectedly and quickly had to leave home and loved ones. But they were able to take God with them. What more can we ask?