A Finder Of Lost Articles
Memorial of St. Anthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor of the Church

My dear encountered couples:
“Tony Tony, look around, something’s lost and can’t be found.” Forgive me if I sound disrespectful, but I think many of us feel close enough to the saint of the day to be able to talk to him that way without showing disrespect. This is the feast of St. Anthony of Padua, most known for his retrieving lost articles when we in our carelessness, or senility, lose them.
But St. Anthony in his day was known for something much greater. He was a superb and eloquent preacher. He was given the special commission by his superiors to draw people to the faith and to defend the faith from heretics by preaching. He spent much of his active ministry in pulpits.
People came from far and wide to hear him and learn from him. It was after preaching a course of sermons in the spring of 1231 that his strength gave out and in a matter of days died on June 13th. He was only 36 years old. A year after his death he was canonized a saint by Pope Gregory IX. And in 1946 Pope Pius XII declared him a doctor of the Church.
It is quite evident to those who know anything about his life that St. Anthony is much more than a finder of lost articles. But he is certainly good at that job. Never forget looking to him for help whenever you lose something. Especially your way to heaven.
“Tony, Tony, look around, something’s lost and can’t be found.” We love you St. Anthony. Please pray for us.