Tuesday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time
My dear encountered couples:
There are just not enough priests. There are less and less nuns. But the number of Catholics keep growing, along with newly added Christians of other denominations all over the world. Jesus tells us to pray for the harvest master to send out laborers to gather his harvest. It is not a matter of more priests and nuns, it is a matter of every Christian who claims to be Christian of living his and her faith in the Spirit of love.
That is what we need the prayers for. So that all who already have been baptized will be inspired and strongly moved to live their faith, not only when they feel like it or it is selfishly beneficial, but all the time, every day, rain or shine. We have plenty of Christian people in the world to convert the world. If only each would do his and her part the job could get done.
“At the sight of the crowds, the heart of Jesus was moved with pity. They were lying prostrate from exhaustion, like sheep without a shepherd. He said to his disciples: ‘The harvest is good but laborers are scarce. Beg the harvest master to send out laborers to gather his harvest.’”
Pray for more priests and nuns, there is certainly a shortage. But I don’t think there is a shortage of Christian lay people, at least not in this country. Pray that the Holy Spirit inspires all Christians to live their faith, especially the part about loving their neighbors.