The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord
My dear encountered couples:
In today’s Gospel, Jesus takes Peter, James and John up the mountain to pray. As Jesus was praying, His face was transformed and his clothes became dazzling white! Then two men, Moses and Elijah, appeared and they began conversing with Jesus. They spoke of Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem and all that Jesus would accomplish there. The apostles were astounded at what they experienced!
Naturally, it was Peter who voiced what the all three of them were thinking. When Peter finally found his voice, he said to Jesus: “Master, it is good that we are here. Let us make three tents, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.” From the cloud, a voice said: “This is my chosen Son; listen to him.” And then Jesus was alone with the disciples. The disciples were so overcome by this experienced they did not tell anyone what they had seen.
Perhaps the most important words in this Gospel are the words the voice spoke: “This is my chosen Son; listen to him.” On this feast of the Transfiguration, God also speaks these words to us. God says to us, “You are my beloved one.” Ask yourself how much time do you spend listening to Jesus? I suspect that we often spend more time talking to Jesus rather than listening for his voice.
If we wish to have a personal relationship with Jesus, we do need to share our thoughts, feelings, and concerns. However, we also need to become still and then wait patiently for Jesus to speak to us. Perhaps in the silence we may sense his presence with us.
Today I invite you to sit quietly in Jesus’ presence for 8-10 minutes. Be relaxed, yet also be attentive and alert. Jesus longs to sit quietly with you. No words are needed. Jesus will speak to your heart. Trust him.