Memorial of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
My dear encountered couples:
I wonder if Jesus is still weeping - not only over Jerusalem but over the sins of the entire world. Let us hope you and I do not make him weep.
Today is the feast of the Presentation of Mary. The Church has made a day commemorating what it thinks must have happened at one time or another. Either Mary’s parents gave her to God in their prayers, or Mary when she grew old enough to make her own choice committed herself into the hands of God. We might have had that done by our parents at baptism, and or we did it ourselves when we got older. We have all been presented to Christ. I hope we haven’t done anything since then to make him cry. But we probably have, haven’t we?
One thing good about a long life. We have plenty of time to make our commitment stick. We have many years to grow in our gift of self and to wipe away any tears that Christ has ever shed over our sins. But whether we live a long life or a short one, let us keep doing our utmost to bring a smile to the face of Christ.
“Coming within sight of Jerusalem, Jesus wept over it and said: If only you had known the path of peace this day; but you have completely lost it from view! Days will come upon you when your enemies encircle you with a rampart, hem you in, and press you hard from every side. They will wipe you out, you and your children within your walls, and leave not a stone on a stone within you, because you failed to recognize the time of your visitation.”
Mary is probably the only one who never disappointed Jesus. Let us do our best not to disappoint him in the future.