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Thursday after Epiphany

My dear encountered couples:

“If anyone says, ‘My love is fixed on God,’ yet hates his brother or sister, he is a liar.” So says John in his letter today.

Is your love fixed on God? Is mine? Is there anybody we hate? I hope not. Is there anyone we don’t have love for? Is there anyone we have not forgiven from the bottom of our hearts for something they did to displease us? I hope not. For if there is anyone we hate, anyone we don’t love, anyone we refuse to forgive, then we have a problem. And that problem is that we do not have our love fixed on God. For if we did, we would love everyone. Why? Because God is in everyone.

God is in some people through baptism; they have become his children. God is in others through his power of keeping them in existence; he is their creator and sustainer of life.

By the Son of God becoming Man, becoming human, a very special relationship and union has taken place between God and every human being. Therefore, if our “love is fixed on God,” then our love must spill over onto all those in whom God dwells, no matter how it is he dwells in them, no matter what kind of connection he has with them.

John wrote: “If anyone says, ‘My love is fixed on God,’ yet hates his brother or sister, he is a liar.”

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