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Monday of Holy Week

My dear encountered couples:

(We are within Holy Week, a time to prayerfully reflect on the final journey of Jesus to his Passion. Due to the need for physical distancing during the pandemic, we won’t be able to meet in church, but let’s remain aware of each other, and pray for each other.)

Sometimes love is shown in what might seem wasteful ways. A man brings his love a bouquet of flowers. A woman gives her favorite person a box of Godiva chocolates. In our gospel Mary, the sister of Lazarus, pours costly perfume all over the feet of Jesus.

Does Jesus say, “No, No! That’s a waste of money?” No, he doesn’t. Judas expected him to though. “Why was this perfume not sold?” he asked. “It could have brought three hundred silver pieces, and the money have been given to the poor.” But Jesus replied: “Leave her alone. Let her keep it against the day they prepare me for burial. The poor you always have with you, but me you will not always have.”

Maybe this was written to be an example for the practical minded. It is good and commendable to be a practical person and never waste anything, but sometimes what looks like waste is of more benefit to someone than it might appear on the surface.

Jesus might have needed the lift Mary’s act of love and gratitude gave to him. He was facing a horrible week. She gave him some strength to help him get through it. He could always remember that somebody besides his mother appreciated him.

Maybe the loved one who gets the flowers, the special one who gets the chocolate needs them. “Just think, I must not be such a bad person after all. They "wasted" their money on me.”

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