Feast of Saint Mark, evangelist
My dear encountered couples:
When things seem to be going wrong for you, don’t think that you are the only one. We are told by Peter, “Your opponent the devil is prowling like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, solid in your faith, realizing that the brotherhood of believers is undergoing the same sufferings throughout the world.”
Try to look upon the difficulties people and the world throw at you like roses strewn at your feet. They are merely opportunities for grace and growth. Peter reminds us that people everywhere experience the same difficulties and challenges regardless of where you live.
Likewise, the COVID-19 pandemic is teaching us the same. It doesn’t matter your gender, race, nationality, socio-economic status, or even political party, no one is immune to the challenges of the day. We are all experiencing physical isolation from one another, anxiety from not knowing what the immediate and long-term future holds, and perhaps a longing for “the good ‘ol days” of pre-pandemic life. But during those difficult times of our life God gives us more grace to help us endure whatever is the difficulty.
St. Mark, whose feast we celebrate today, certainly had his own share of troubles, as did Peter and all the apostles and saints. What made them saints? Well, they resisted the efforts of the devil to win them away from Christ.
Let us try to do the same and remain solid in our faith. If you need to relieve some tension and anger caused by all your troubles feel free to spit in the old devil’s eye and tell him where to go. I doubt that God would mind you doing that.